Netflix Payments reminder with the help of Home Assistant

Mar 2, 2020 - ⏱️ 7 minutes to read

Today's project aims at tracking the invoices of a shared account thanks to Home Assistant.
For those of you that don't know what Home Assistant is, well, Home Assistant is a versatile home automation software that can integrate a lot of different devices. It's starting to become an essential part of my living areas thanks to its possibilities.
And sometimes you just wish that you could use it to automate people (just kiddin').


If you're reading this, it's probably too late and you've already got your feet wet with Home Assistant. Otherwise, you need an installation of Home Assistant. You can install it following the official documentation here.
You also need a Telegram bot, you can create one using Telegram's @botfather.

Counting in Home Assistant

Home Assistant has a built-in way of counting things: the counter integration.
This integration offers a way of storing an integer number and changing its value.
We're going to setup this integration in our configuration.yaml file (situated in the root of our Home Assistant configuration folder).

    initial: 0
    step: 4
    name: Mario
    initial: 0
    step: 4
    name: Luigi
    initial: 0
    step: 4
    name: Wario

Scheduling counter's increments

In a nutshell, Home Assistant makes things happen through automations. Automations are pieces of code that will run when something triggers it and/or some conditions are met.
In a home automation system, they are the glue that can tie all of our devices together.
Today we’ll use them to create a recurring task dedicated to incrementing our newly added counters.

  - alias: Increment Counter
      - platform: time
        at: "10:00:00"
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ now().day == 25 }}"
      - service: counter.increment
          - counter.netflix_user_0
          - counter.netflix_user_1
          - counter.netflix_user_2

As for the above example, our automation will be composed by three distinct parts:

  1. A trigger;
  2. A condition;
  3. An action.

This automation will check every day at 10:00 am if the current day is the 25th of the month, if the condition is true, it will execute the action of incrementing the counters with the predefined step.

Notify the people in the sharing group

An important part of this project is notifying your friends if there's a change on their "debts". This part is tied to the messaging service of your choice.
I consider myself lucky that our "sharing group" is on Telegram, widely supported by the official Home Assistant integration.

So, you might have guessed it, we're using Telegram today.

To configure this integration you have to put the following inside your configuration.yaml:

  - platform: polling
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
      - YOUR_CHAT_ID
    platform: telegram
    chat_id: GROUP_CHAT_ID

You can get chat ids using @chatid_echo_bot.

Sending messages to a Telegram group

After the setup of the Telegram platform we need to find a way to send notifications to our group.
Let's assume we decide to send a message to our group every time we increment the counters.
To do so we just need to edit our previous automation and add the following action:

- service: notify.netflix_group
    message: >
      ⚠️ Status:  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_0.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_1.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_2.state }}

We're using templates so we can dynamically generate the message.

Reached this point, we can call it a day and the basics of our system are now working. But at the moment we have no way to track "automatically" if a user paid its debt.

User input from Telegram inline keyboard

One of the options given by Telegram to interact with bots is the inline keyboard.
Inline keyboards are a set of buttons attached to a message sent by a bot.
Each button triggers a callback (to which Home Assistant can respond).

Adding an inline keyboard to a message

Screenshot of a Telegram chat showing the inline keyboard

Adding an inline keyboard to a message is a trivial operation, we just need to define our keyboard in our message.
It can be done by editing the previous action by adding:

    - "User0:/dec0"
    - "User1:/dec1"
    - "User2:/dec2"

The resulting action will look something like that:

- service: notify.netflix_group
    message: >
      ⚠️ Status:  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_0.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_1.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_2.state }}
        - "User0:/dec0"
        - "User1:/dec1"
        - "User2:/dec2"

Reacting to Telegram callbacks

We're almost there! We have counters, buttons, automations and messages.
Now we should let our friends notify our system with the buttons mentioned above.
We have to react to their callbacks: according to the official documentation, we need another automation to react to the callbacks.

Our automation is gonna look like this one:

alias: Other Netflix Decrement Counter
  - platform: event
    event_type: telegram_callback
      chat_id: GROUP_CHAT_ID
  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ "/dec" in }}
  - service: counter.decrement
      entity_id: >
        counter.netflix_user_{{ | replace("/dec", "") }}

The condition is there to check if the command that we received contains the string: "/dec".
In the action we see another template, this one is used to get the right counter based on the button that got pressed.

Updating the message

A possible solution to notify of the decrement is to send another message, but I'm not using this solution because it appears quite "chatty" to me and I don't want to annoy my friends.
Since Telegram supports editing of messages, I've opted to use this solution. We just need to add another action to the previous automation.

- service: telegram_bot.edit_message
    message_id: "{{ }}"
    chat_id: "{{ }}"
    title: "*Message edit*"
    message: >
      ⚠️ Status:  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_0.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_1.state }}  
      {{ }}: € {{ states.counter.netflix_user_2.state }}
      - "User0:/dec0"
      - "User1:/dec1"
      - "User2:/dec2"

Final Steps

We're ready to deploy!
Add your new, and fresh baked Telegram bot to your sharing group.
Your friends will be grateful for this simple and effective reminder 😇.

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